This video shows you how a new beneficiary in the Revenue Sharing Solutions Action Plan could actually make a living sharing with others.
This video explains that the RSS Action Plan of LWS will be used to make life easier for those who are struggling with finances.
A great introduction to teach a new beneficiary about the RSS Action Plan and what they might expect from registering. Introduces the referral card as well.
This video shows someone who has just heard the good news about the Revenue Sharing Solutions Plan from a friend. He is imagining it's just the answer to his financial worries.
This video simulates the RSS Beneficiary Sign up based on the screens that have been shown on Subject to change when RSS goes live. The basics of sign up and the ease associated should be fairly close.
Welcomes the new beneficiary and gives an imaginary journey around the beneficiary back office on how to track and withdraw funds. May change when actual RSS screens released, but shows basic steps.
A new beneficiary explains to a co-worker how he was referred and the benefits of joining the RSS Action Plan.
A beneficiary walks us through watching his downloads for 24 hours to see them increase from ten cents a minute to $144 by the end of the day.
A cartoon video to explain how to figure downloads using the Seasons of Love song, 525,600 minutes. Shows a great method to use the annual minutes to figure any daily, weekly, monthly or annual amount for any download total.
Shows a beneficiary how to increase their RSS downloads through referral, sign up and thank you bonuses.
This video explains why the Revenue Sharing Solutions is not an MLM program. There are no products being sold. Revenue sharing is happening within a group of people for humanitarian purposes.
This video talks about a way to help someone's church with the RSS program. It could easily be used for any non-profit group.
Teaches the benefits to signing up an organization or church in the RSS Program. Created as a "Teaser" video for the CAC to use to peak interest with group leaders in registering their church or organization, or to seek more info from the CAC.
Why does LWS only support Zim holders? Only Zim Holders who go for the higher rates will have enough funds to do the Programs
Where can I buy Zim? There are many, but I usually check eBay. Search for 100 Trillion notes. You usually get the best buy. Right now 4/21/22you can get 10x100 Trillion notes for around $15 shipping is free. These are gold and silver notes. The Alliance will redeem the gold and silver notes if you are a Humanitarian.
I don’t know how much to ask for at my redemption appointment. For those planning on doing the RSS ACtion Plan - $500, 000 Check out the Document here.
I have Zim and I want to donate it to LWS. I will only need a small portion for myself. Love Won Society does not accept Zim donations to be a part of the RSS program. You will need to go through the redemption appointment and then become a Zim Bnenfactor by signing an agreement.
I need to talk to Ron to make sure I understand everything correctly. Love Won Society is a set of structures you can use for your humanitarian projects. All that you need to know is on the website documents and the raining videos. Ron does not have the resources to talk to everyone personally. That is impossible. Learning and comprehending what is given here is a challenge. We have provided Q&A videos and other learning process. They have been provided to assist in your learning, but it is your responsibility to do the work of educating yourself before becoming a bonafide Zim Benefactor.
I need to talk to Ron directly to go over my questions or to tell him about my project. Everyone is proud of what they have thought out for their Humanitarian projects. The LWS Action Plans are designed for you to enhance your projects. Your job is to see if or how our Plans can help you. LWS does not get involved in Projects of Zim Bnenfactors. We consider your projects as a sacred Calling you were meant to do. We provide the Action Plan structures, you use them under your Spiritual Guidance using your won funds.
I have a project that I need to get funded. How can I get funded? Can LWS fund my project? LWS does not fund other people's projects. If you have a project, purchase Zim and get the funds you need. There is still time to do that.
What if I miss the Redemption appointment? This is not a question to ask me. My responsibility is to put out the info when it comes, if your plans do not include keeping up with the intel then you have failed to plan. Take responsibility for your own life's activities. We will publish the final redemption process when we get it or you will be contacted by the Alliance at the appropriate time. LWS is not involved in the Alliance contacting you personally.
I need help – can you help me or my family member who is in dire need? No. I have family members who need my help, we are all waiting for the Med Beds/Celestial Chambers. We do not have a special needs priority ourselves. Those who are in charge of distribution and training in the use of Med Beds are not known to us.
I want to be included in your RSS program. How do I get on your list? If you are not joining with us to do the RSS Action Plan yourself, then you will have to wait till the RSS platform is up and running before you can join as a Beneficiary. If you want to be involved in the RSS action plan, you must be a Zim Holder and ask for the higher rates to have sufficient funds to begin and sustain the RSS program over time. Go through the Action Plans and see which ones you may want to be a part of. When you see how the plans can help and want to be a part of the implementation of the plans using your own money, please use the subscribe button on the home page.
Why do you charge $10 to be included in the RSS Beneficiary program and where does that money go? The $10 is the registration fee. It goes to the Zim Benefactor that will be paying you your 10 cents per minute download.
I want to become a Benefactor in the RSS Program. At the reception appointment, ask the Alliance Agent for a Referral Letter as your referral from the Alliance that you are a Humanitarian and have sufficient funds to become a Zim Benefactor
After the RV, we will send you a Zim Benefactor Application. we will create a contract for you to review and sign. Send the Contract in with your Referral Letter to the proper Email Address that will be published on this website. This will start your Appointment as a Zim Benefactor in the RSS Program. Please make sure you are receiving Training Emails from this website, so you will receive your notification when it is ready.